Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Malacology (BPBM-MAL)

Contacts: Norine Yeung (
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 9c5a4e4f-2bec-4a92-ab85-38950dd6d948
Digital Metadata: EML File
Collection Statistics
  • 297,541 lot records
  • 2,526,361 specimen records
  • 206,749 (69%) lots georeferenced (lat/long)
  • 169,623 (57%) lots georeferenced (lat/long/error)
  • 283,380 (95%) with images (517,116 total images)
  • 11,568 named specimens
  • 69,464 (23%) lots identified to species
  • 448 families
  • 285 genera
  • 1,798 species
  • 2,211 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that family
  • Coneuplecta (27)
  • Cookeana (14)
  • Diastole (752)
  • Euconulus (218)
  • Guppya (12)
  • Hiona (165)
  • Kaala (30)
  • Kaliella (1)
  • Kororia (66)
  • Kusaiea (11)
  • Lamprocystis (378)
  • Liardetia (560)
  • Mendana (116)
  • Microcystis (440)
  • Palaua (44)
  • Philonesia (6128)
  • Planamastra (1)
  • Pukaloa (2)