Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Amastra affinis Family: Amastridae
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D.T. Fleming
Date: 1947-01-04
Verbatim Date: 4-I-47
Additional Collectors:
D.T.E. {This Should Be: D.T. Fleming -RKK}
Polynesia, United States, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, Maui, East Maui; Makawao; Pulehu; along Haleakala Road; immediate neighborhood of 190925-973
20.772122 -156.303927 +-2005m. WGS84
[ELEVATION: 4000 feet +/-]
[TERRESTRIAL]; fossil; juvenile; {"190925-191000, 192718-192733. "As for those fossil land shells, I am quite sure I have picked up shells from several colonies at diff. times, and I doubt that any two lots sent you have been from the same colony--but they are all from within a radius of a few hundred yards." ex Fleming letter 7-2-47}