Polynesia, United States, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, Kauai, Hanalei District; Hanakoa; Hanakoa Valley
22.178528 -159.615091 +-2631m. WGS84
Verbatim Coordinates:
22° 11' 27.0168'' N 159° 37' 12.7992'' W; 22° 11' 27.0168'' N 159° 37' 12.7992'' W
Georeference Remarks:
Locality based on the bounds of Hanakoa on the Ahupuaa overlay (disregarded Hanalei note because it wasn't mentioned in the documentation).
ridge, understones, medium damp.
[TERRESTRIAL]; Colony III ; {NOTE: two hand-drawn maps showing locality are pasted into catalog pg. 883. - CHK}