Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Achatinella fulgens Family: Achatinellidae
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F.S. Lyman
Date: 1935-01-01 - 1935-12-31
Verbatim Date: 1935
Additional Collectors:
Ernest E. Lyman
Polynesia, United States, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, Oahu, Wailupe or Niu
21.30095 -157.746862 +-3050m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
Georeferenced both Wailupe and Niu, used Welch 1942 for vally locations
[TERRESTRIAL]; [Footnote: On 26,VIII,38 E.Lyman told me that the shells labeled FSL or F.S.Lyman were collected by his father. This would probably date their collecting in the 50's possibly as late as the 60's -Cooke or Kondo]