Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Malacology
Catalog #: 214826
Occurrence ID (GUID): A3445CC9-4735-4428-84C6-288037A63562
Taxon: Lamprocystis misella FĂ©russac, 1821
Family: Euconulidae
Show Determination History
Collector: Ignacia Benevente, Juan Dias & Yoshio Kondo   87.3   
Date: 1952-06-24
Verbatim Date: 24-VI-52
Additional Collectors: Yoshio Kondo
Locality: Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Rota, Mariana Islands, Rota, Rota; 3/4 mile east of Rinko; mauka side
14.163269  145.163188 +-550m.  WGS84
Georeference Remarks: [Unable to georeference] not found
Habitat: Under "Teak"
Substrate: [TERRESTRIAL]; 2 entire
Alcohol Count: 9
Notes: Collected
Specimen Images
Record ID: e67497c1-4ea4-48bf-ab17-d76822eb3486
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Norine Yeung (