Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Lamellidea pusilla A. Gould, 1847 Family: Achatinellidae
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Kondo, Y. Bottle #101.
Date: 1938-08-22
Verbatim Date: 22/viii/38
Additional Collectors:
Lapham Exped.
Melanesia, Fiji, Lau Province, Lau Islands, Nayau, Liku Village, 3/4 mi. N. of; inland 100 yds.; 500-foot limestone base
-17.986425 -179.050297 +-1978m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
Two of the geo-locate map resources, Google Streets/Hybrid and Mapnik, disagree on the location of Liku Village. The two areas cited in each of the maps is included within the area of uncertainty.
[ELEVATION: 30 feet +/-]; flat, damp; Open, dense forest; open ground; on trash, green leavs, branches, twigs, trunks of trees, and dead leaves. Bottle #101. (ground sp.)