Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia, Yap State, Yap Main Islands, Yap, Okau District; Mountain 177 meters high, top and little west
9.527958 138.11472 +-1001m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
The Okau District is also known as the Weeloay District. All mountains over 100 meters high within this district were included within the area of uncertainty. [https://travelingluck.com//Oceania/Micronesia/Yap/_1558872_Okau.html]
[ELEVATION: 170-177 meters]; medium. Under stones, on birds' nest fern & dead leaves
[TERRESTRIAL]; [Footnote #1: H.B. Baker-1 specimens {Footnote crossed out with pencil -RKK, 19 April 2005}]