Polynesia, American Samoa, Eastern District, Tutuila, Amouli; E. of; on shore; 10 ft. from shore
-14.274155 -170.579864 +-577m. WGS84
[ELEVATION: 5 feet]; under stones, med. Damp
[BRACKISH]; Colony XI. {PSA (11/12/97)-One secimen is in a vial. There are three notes with lot. The first note states: 1 spm on loan to Meryl Goldin/9 July 1997. The second note states: Colony XI/336,337. The third note states: Pythia savaiensis?/cf Aloti, Horn Is. Label indicates that there were sixty-five specimens-PSA}. {PSA (4/2/98)-Catalogue remarks state: drowned overnight in 40% alc.-PSA}. {PSA (4/10/98)-Catalogue indicates sixty-five specimens-PSA}