Polynesia, American Samoa, Tutuila, Utulei; just W. of village; road bank; 20 ft. from shore
-14.277088 -170.685829 +-464m. WGS84
[ELEVATION: 6-10 feet]; on stones + dead leaves, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; Group "LII C". Label states: very close to dentifera + pleurophora/Type Island Samoa/Mau. Conch p 330./CMC 8.XII.37. Note states: on loan to R. Preece/Univ. of Cambridge/BPBM Loan BP-16666. {PSA (2/6/98)-In old box: 9158, from which the specimens were removed and placed into the type collection, label states: Type col. Nes.pa Polynesia, and part of a group of lots with note that states: Nespa godeffroyi/LII C./CMC 8.XII.37-PSA}. {PSA (3/19/98)-Catalogue remarks state: drowned ov