Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Ouagapia gradata A. Gould, 1846 Family: Rhytididae
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Samoan Exped.
Date: 1926-03-27
Verbatim Date: 3/27/1926
Additional Collectors:
Samoan Exped.
Polynesia, American Samoa, Eastern District, Tutuila, Fagatoga; valley; aqueduct
-14.28199 -170.693903 +-572m. WGS84
[ELEVATION: 800 feet]; under dead leaves, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; {PSA (1/22/98)-Part of a group of lots with two notes. The first note states: Tonga type locality probably Tongatabu/except for Upolu spms, Samoan Shells are smaller than those from Tongatabu/CMC III 41, and the second note states: Ouagapia gradata/Samoan Is. In old box: 9127, from which the speciemns were removed and placed into the type collection, box contains two notes. The first note states: Rhytida gradata/Pils. Mau Conch IX/Index p. 45, and the second note states: Delos gra