Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Eua zebrina A. Gould, 1848 Family: Partulidae
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Samoan Exped.
Date: 1926-03-24
Verbatim Date: 3/24/1926
Additional Collectors:
Samoan Exped.
Polynesia, American Samoa, Tutuila, Utumea; point E. of, in road cutting; 10-50 ft. from shore
-14.290074 -170.699154 +-15845m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
Unsure if this is Utumea East or Utumea West - georeferenced whole island
[ELEVATION: 10-50 feet]; on ferns, shrubs, trees, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; Group "CI". {PSA (9/24/97)-The four specimens are divided into three vials. The first and second vials' labels state: + 2 emb/= color/A. The third vial's label states: + 2 emb/= color/= size/B-PSA}. {PSA (3/19/98)-Catalogue remarks state: drowned overnight in 40% alc./2 emb.-PSA}. {PSA (4/1/98)-Catalogue table insert states: 84945-51/color form A: not P 2, p 2 eggs 3, p 3 eggs 1, p 2 emb. 2, p 3 emb. 3, total 11; color form B: not P 2, p 3 eggs 1, p 4 eggs 1, p 2 emb. 2, p 3 e