Polynesia, American Samoa, Tutuila, Leone-Aoloau trail
-14.325211 -170.778926 +-1582m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
Unsure where trail is
[ELEVATION: 900-1200 feet]; ridge + flat, on ferns, shrubs, trees, dead leaves, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; [in type collection -DKB] Group "XCIV". Label states: 84791.a/D. Note states: 84791.a/subtrochiformis/FSS/Tutuila/diss/diss. {PSA (1/14/98)-Label has a blue line on it. The seventeen specimens are divided into three vials. The first vial has label in it that states: 84791.a. The second vial has label in it that states: 84791.b. The third vial has albel in it that states: 84791.c. In old box: 9425, from which the specimens were removed and placed into the type collection, label s