Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Samoana conica Family: Partulidae
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Samoan Exped.
Date: 1926-03-22
Verbatim Date: 3/22/1926
Additional Collectors:
Samoan Exped.
Polynesia, American Samoa, Tutuila, Leone-Aoloau; trail from Leone-Aoloau; ridge + hillside-bottom of valley E. of ridge
-14.325211 -170.778926 +-1582m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
Unsure where trail is
[ELEVATION: 300-700-150 feet]; on ferns, stones, shrubs, tree trunks, dead leaves, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; Group "XCI". {PSA (9/4/97)-The five specimens are divided into four vials. The first vial contains a specimen with two eggs and an embryo, and the label states: + 1 em. 2 eggs, and a note states: 1 em. 2 eggs. The second vial contains a specimen with an egg and an embryo, and the label states: + 1 em., 1 egg, and a note states: 1 em., 1 egg. The third vial contains a specimen with an egg and an embryo, and the label states: + 1 em., 1 egg, and a note states: 1 em. 1 egg. The fou