Polynesia, American Samoa, Eastern District, Tutuila, Amouli; ridge E. of Amouli
-14.267833 -170.579349 +-535m. WGS84
on shrubs, tree trunks, dead leaves, under stones, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; Group "XV". {PSA (1/22/98)-Lot includes a vial with label that states: emb. The twenty-three specimens are divided into three vials. The second vial's label states: Trochonanina samoensis ("samoensis" is underlined in blue). There are two notes with lot. [TERRESTRIAL]; The first note states: An. very dark, adult spms. with 4-5 emb. The second note states: Loan to: Dr. B.Verdcourt, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, United Kingdom/Loan out: 24 May 1990 [Se