Polynesia, American Samoa, Tutuila, Olomoana; top
-14.262135 -170.578104 +-165m. WGS84
on shrubs + tree trunks + under stones + on dead leaves, damp
[TERRESTRIAL]; Group "V". {PSA (1/22/98)-Lot includes a vial with label that states: emb. In old box: 9131, from which the specimens were removed and placed into the type collection, label states: type col./striolata-PSA}. {PSA (3/19/98)-Catalogue remarks state: drowned overnight in 40% alc.-PSA}. {PSA (3/19/98)-Catalogue footnote states: Harris-2 spms./Peile-1 spm.-PSA}. {PSA (4/7/98)-Catalogue indicates twenty-six specimens-PSA}