Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Malacology
Catalog #: 78685
Occurrence ID (GUID): 1A470ADA-C79C-4969-B179-AE6E73970750
Taxon: Trochomorpha corallina themis Garrett, 1887
Family: Achatinellidae
Show Determination History
Collector: E.H. Bryan, Jr.      
Date: 1924-08-23
Verbatim Date: 8/23/1924
Locality: Melanesia, Fiji, Lau Province, Lau Islands, Kabara, central wooded basin; 1/4 -1 mi. from shore
-18.955775  -178.955032 +-4066m.  WGS84
Georeference Remarks: most of Kabara island falls in this area, error radius adjusted accordingly. Island identified on google maps.
Habitat: [ELEVATION: 50-100 feet]; undulating flat, damp; on leaves of shrubs & tree trunks
Substrate: [TERRESTRIAL]; H.B.Baker-4 spms ; Mantle very dark sparcely marked with white lines
Alcohol Count: 6
Notes: Collected
Specimen Images
Record ID: 28e568b3-8d4c-46c0-b916-07811a0b4605
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Norine Yeung (
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