Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Malacology
Catalog #: 294868
Occurrence ID (GUID): b6d562e8-b9f2-4c52-a5a7-75d0741cc0ce
Taxon: Leptopoma L. Pfeiffer, 1847
Family: Cyclophoridae
Determiner: John Slapcinsky (2023-02-00)
Collector: Yoshio Kondo, George F. Arnemann      
Date: 1966-08-30
Field Number: 1966-272
Verbatim Date: 8/30/1966
Locality: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, New Ireland Province, New Ireland Island, Saint Judes School, 0.5 miles in from highway
-2.9135  151.3407 +-300m.  WGS84
Georeference Remarks: Coordinates based on map
Description: shells partially dissolved
Alcohol Count: 2
Preparations: 80% ethanol
Notes: Rehoused and catalogued 02/2023 by John Slapcinsky
Disposition: 22-E-(3-9)
Specimen Images
Record ID: b6d562e8-b9f2-4c52-a5a7-75d0741cc0ce
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Norine Yeung (
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