Occurrence ID (GUID):
Taxon:Partula nodosa Pfeiffer Family: Partulidae
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syntypes of Partula nodosa f. pallidior. Pilsbry, 1909. Manual of Conchology (Ser. 2) 20 (78-79): 195, pl. 25, fig. 17 | lectotype of Partula nodosa f. pallidior. H. B. Baker, 1963. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 115 (8): 2
Garrett, A.
Polynesia, French Polynesia, Windward Islands, Society Islands, Tahiti, Tahiti Island
-17.71009 -149.364044 +-32957m. WGS84
Dry Count:
4 specimens found in lot, but 5 expected based on ledger and original description; specifically, Pilsbry mentioned and figured a sinistral shell from this lot, which was not found on 3 Oct 2014 [F. J. Borrero] Lot will be split (twice): LT + 1 PLT of pallidior (and the other two shells should be split as P. trilineata Pease) Two shells in lot of P. trilineata Pease appear to correspond to the form pallidior Pilsbry. [delete from here, and edit into general Remarks explaining the splits] | Provenance history: Garrett, A.