Type Status:
syntypes of Partula imperforata raiatensis. Garrett, 1884. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (Ser. 2) 9: 54-55 | syntypes of Partula imperforata raiatensis. Pilsbry, 1909. Manual of Conchology (Ser. 2) 20 (78-79): 221, pl. 20, fig
Garrett, A. J.
Polynesia, French Polynesia, Leeward Islands, Society Islands, Raiatea, Toloa valley
-16.83 -151.42
Verbatim Coordinates:
-16.8333333° -151.416667°
Georeference Remarks:
[Unable to georeference] Misspelled.
Dry Count:
4 paralectotypes split from this lot and recatalogued as ANSP 458797 on 9/9/2014. | Provenance history: Tryon, G. W., Jr.: Garrett, A.